Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Zhou Dynasty

The Zhou Dynasty

(1122 BC to 256 BC)

Leader of the Zhou: Zhou Wu Wang
One of the most famous leaders of the Zhou dynasty was Zhou Wu Wang. After Wu Wang's father died, and he ascended to the throne. Wu Wang tried to accomplish his father's death wish of defeating the Shang, and it was very successful. Wu Wang used many wise governments officials, and they ended up being very strong within a short period of time. In 1048 BC, Wu Wang called up a meeting with dukes at Meng Jin, and more than 800 dukes showed up. In 1046 BC, Wu Wang realized that the Shang government wasn't doing too well, so he launched an attack along with many neighboring dukes on the Shang. In the Battle of Muye, the Zhou finally defeated the Shang as King Di Xin of Shang set his palace on fire, killing himself. After the win, Wu Wang was able to establish many smaller feudal states under the rule of his brother and generals. Wu Wang died three years later in 1043 BC.

Leader from another Civilization: Archimedes of Syracuse
(287 BC - 212 BC)

Archimedes was an ancient mathematician, physist, astronomer, and engineer. He is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. He was best known for the allegedy "Eureka!" after discovering what is known as the 'Archimedes' Principal'. Archimedes died during the Siege of Syracuse, when he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed.


Technology: "The Book of Rites, a manual for ceremonies written in the Zhou dynasty (11th c.-256 B.C.), records the court physicians' division of medical teaching into internal medicine, surgery, nutrition and veterinary practice." http://library.thinkquest.org/15618/inventor.htm

Economoy: Coins used instead of barters.

Government Changes: Feudal government - Zhou officials were not paid a salary, but were given semi-regular gifts by the King, which included land in the Wei River.

Philiosophy: Mandate of Heaven - The power to rule was a gift from the gods.

Reason for Fall:
During the 4th century BCE, the state of Ch'in, one of the former territories of the Zhou kingdom, came to power. Based on theories of a leading legalist, the Ch'in kingdom reformed its administration, economy, and military and became stronger as the Zhou empire's royal line were broken. The Zhou eventually died in 256 BCE and soon the Ch'in had conquered the seven other warring states.

A Jade Bi with two dragons - Easter Zhou

An embroidered silk gause
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